Managing People’s Performance – Fact or Fiction?

Managing people’s performance is key to every manager’s success. It is often the cause of their failure. Why? Something has gone badly wrong if managers cannot get the basics of people management right.The answer lies in the five greatest mistakes that managers make.
Promoted into management on the basis that they are technically strong and personally effective, many managers have failed to change their mindsets and priorities.With their focus still on personal achievement, they often operate as a super technician, oblivious to their team’s needs.A primary need of any team is involvement, particularly in the definition of its objectives. Managers need to involve their teams, and their people, in agreeing on objectives. If they don’t, they simply become managers in name only. The organisation would be better off with self-directed teams.
Push For Results
Managers are achievement oriented and results driven; they have to be. In their push for results, however, they can fail to understand the motivation needs of others.Pushing for results rapidly becomes pushing their people; pushing their people then becomes pushing their people harder. If the best results are willingly given, then the satisfaction needs of individuals are critically important to a manager’s success.Ignoring these needs, in the push for results, simply creates a used, or even abused, workforce. A workforce that withdraws its discretionary effort, seeks to do the least, not the most. Overlooking the needs of employees, in a push for results, ultimately has a bulldozer effect – increased resistance to increased managerial efforts.
Most managers are “self-motivated” individuals. That’s how they became managers. They are not always motivators of others, or people who find it easy to praise and recognise the efforts of others. They often try to motivate by example, modelling hard work and long hours, but failing to engage the hearts and minds of their people. They become “burnt-out” solo performers; their people check out, and many eventually leave. Failing to create a psychological contract, by recognising people’s motivation needs, is often the first step towards managerial failure.
No Added Value
Managers should constantly add value to their people. (Why else would their people need a manager?). This means training and developing them, coaching and counselling them, and encouraging individual growth. Managers constantly miss opportunities to add value to their people in these areas. Failing to put effort into their own personal growth and development, they fail to see the connection between learning and results. When people are learning, they become more engaged in their work. The stimulation of learning stimulates a desire for improved personal performance.Managers, who understand this, invest time in growing their people, and look for every opportunity to do so. Managers, who cannot grasp this essential truth, struggle to perform. They suffer, their people suffer, and the whole organisation suffers.
It has been said that there is no such thing as a completely fair manager. After all, what is considered to be unfair treatment by one individual might be considered utterly fair by another. This is no excuse however for having favourites, “picking on” certain individuals, and deliberately “making points” through the different treatment of people.No matter what a manager’s feelings are towards certain individuals, personal bias and subjective views must be replaced by a fair, honest and objective treatment of them. This is hard for managers to grasp. They fail to see that their whole credibility is at stake, if they fail to treat people fairly. A lack of credibility quickly turns to a lack of leadership, and the seeds of future failure have been sown.How do your managers stack up against the five greatest mistakes?
Failing to incorporate employee ideas into their objectives

Overlooking the needs of employees, in the push for results

Missing opportunities to motivate and coach employees

Withholding praise and recognition

Not treating their people fairly

The answer is the five greatest managerial behaviours:
Involvement Of People
The primary responsibility of any manager is involvement with his/her people. Involvement is vital to create a vision for the future, communicate that vision, formulate a plan to achieve it and then execute it.The management of change is not achieved in isolation, and if people are going to commit to it they need to be involved every step of the way. Turning a vision into agreed team and individual objectives then becomes a natural part of the involvement process. Implementation of plans then becomes easy and natural, as does the achievement of success.
Satisfaction Management
Satisfaction management is the key to unlocking the discretionary effort of employees. Discretionary effort is a key ingredient to high performance. Instead of a continuous push for results, the best managers invest in creating increased satisfaction for their people.They bring measurement to satisfaction in the same way they do performance. They actively involve people in identifying their satisfaction needs and in exploring ways to meet them. They modify their leadership style to bring the best out of people. They have “emotional intelligence” and they use it.
Coach, Counsellor And Facilitator
Effective managers not only balance their task and people focus, they actively seek to grow the capabilities of their people. They know that if they do this, continuous improvement in both team and individual performance can be achieved in a dramatic way.They see their primary roles as Coach, Counsellor and Facilitator to their people. They understand that without additional knowledge, fresh insights and the ability to solve their own problems, people cannot perform to their best ability.They have learned that a significant learning input into their people produces significant output for their organization. They have learned to “conduct an orchestra,” versus “play an instrument.”
Encouragement, Praise And Recognition
If you want to de-motivate someone, just ignore him/her. Ignoring people devalues them, demeans them, and undermines their dignity as a human being. How often are employees de-motivated, not by cruel, but rather by uncaring managers?Encouragement, praise and recognition create the high-octane gas that fills up people’s emotional tanks. It needs to be genuine; it needs to be attached to achievement or progress; and it needs to be regular.Blame and fear cultures are only replaced by learning cultures when genuine, positive reinforcement replaces continuous negative feedback, or a lack of any feedback. Managers need to be generous providers of the right feedback; they need the skills and the confidence to deliver it and the belief that it makes a difference.
Honest, Open And Fair
Managers cannot always be perceived to be utterly honest, open and fair, but they can strive to be so in their dealings with others. Culture and values need to be lived out, leadership needs to be modelled and not just talked about.Managers must be seen to be acting in the best interests of all. Difficult? Not really- if there is a genuine partnership relationship with their people. If loyalty to their teams, and giving others the credit for success become the norm, then honesty, openness and fairness become a way of life. So also does the mutual support that accompanies them, and which is needed in abundance if today’s managers are to succeed in the hostile, challenging and uncertain business environment of the twenty-first century.The five greatest managerial mistakes can break an organisation. The five greatest managerial behaviours can make it. These behaviours can be learned.Using our programme, Managing People’s Performance, we equip managers with these behaviours. Our programme turns the fiction of good people-management into a fact. A fact that will transform your organisation and its future success.

Revitalize in Spas and Resorts

Vacations are usually considered to be the antidotes to busy urban lifestyles. The holidays offer you a time and space to relax and recharge the batteries of the body and mind to face the grinding worldly tensions once again. You vacations may necessarily involve lying and relaxing on a beach or indulging in superb services of a five star hotel. An ideal vacation can simply incorporate a full range of activities to get the heart pumping and the blood flowing. Spas and resorts across the world offer a whole new type of holiday experience where rest, relaxation, rejuvenation, and some healthy activities mark the beginning of a different and new attitude towards your overall health and well being.The concept of Luxury resort spa or Lake Spa resort is not new. The concept combines the soothing and healing effects of water treatments that were initially pioneered by the ancient Greeks and Romans. The concepts of spas with various mind and body treatments are as old as the concept of relaxation itself. The harmonious effect of being close to the environment is a major feature of many spa and hotels. It helps in the holistic approach towards rejuvenation and invigoration process of your entire body along with the mind. While some Spas and resorts try to make the most of the naturally occurring waters and minerals that are available locally, other Spas and resorts simply get the most out of the wonderful locales in which they are situated. With magnificent natural views and convenient locations, many of the best spa hotels occupy enviable positions in the world’s most popular vacation destinations from all parts of the world.Travelers visit the Spas and resorts for different reasons. Some visit these places simply to escape from the monotony of the urban life while others visit these destinations to pamper themselves. They wish to treat their bodies and minds with various therapies. They indulge in facials and skin-peels to treat their skins, use body treatments such as body wraps or aromatherapy to relax, and attend detoxification programs to combat the effects of modern living. Just a day or two of intensive spa treatments may be enough to meet the requirements of mind and body fitness, a longer stay at any of the spa resort allows you an opportunity to assess your overall levels of health and fitness. The right assistance and advice offered by the spa experts allows you to make the necessary changes in the daily routines to bring about a positive effect on ongoing health and fitness, changes your attitude towards your entire body and mind. The changes will benefit you for the rest of your life.The best spa resorts offer fitness programs that are tailored to meet the requirements of different individuals. However, each program focuses on healthy and balanced nutrition and overall body health and well being of the mind. Weight loss is the main aim of most of the spa physical programs. Many of the queries about spa treatments find their answers in change in the mindset and behavior and not any dieting regime that is harmful in the long run.

Mind Body & Spirituality With Emphasis on Dr Deepak Chopra & Others

Mind Body & Spirituality with emphasis on Dr. Deepak Chopra, Dr. Joe Vitale, Bob Proctor and Rhonda Byrne of The Secret. Does your body make things happen, or is it your mind? Many have formed considerable debates around this topic, but few have touched upon it as frequently as Dr. Deepak Chopra, and Dr. Joe Vitale, Bob Proctor and Rhonda Byrne of The Secret. But is there a way to determine who’s right from these two groups?Chopra, a board-certified doctor specializing in endocrinology, tends to give more emphasis to the mind & body connection in his teachings. Early in his career, Deepak Chopra books focused on the ways that the mind could heal the body through spirituality and mind-body medicine. This mind-body-spirit connection was purported to have the ability to heal conditions including cancer and AIDS. In addition, his techniques are prescribed for mind-healing through meditative processes called Vedanta.Meanwhile Vitale, Proctor and Byrne have pushed a different sort of spiritual message that the “Universe” is responsible for bringing things to the body that the mind has visualized. They term this the “Law of Attraction,” which is the center of The Secret book and DVD. In somewhat of an opposition to motivational speaker Tony Robbins’ philosophy of taking action in order to achieve, The Secret seems to give unlimited power to an individual who uses their ability for focused, positive thinking to visual wealth, health and happiness, among other things.In a 2008 seminar called, The Secret to Your Best Year Ever in San Diego, Calif., Tony Robbins’ seminar followed one from some motivational speakers of The Secret. In it, he pointed out some items that he disputed about the motivational benefits of The Secret, including:o Changing the title of the theory to “A Secret” rather than “The Secret” due to his belief that there are many secrets to achieving success;o The thought of thinking or believing in something and having the universe deliver it to you is a lazy view of how things work; ando State of mind, rather than focus, is what drives people to take action and what enables them to attract their desires.The Secret claims to have taken much of its historical basis from New Thought, a kin to Unity Christianity which is said to have developed in the late 19th century. Full of cryptic symbols and images of repression, The Secret is advertised as something that civilization wasn’t meant to know. In the movie, it is shown as being hidden, buried and shunned as a covetable item.Chopra, though credited with starting the “New Thought Movement” in the United States, has explored his philosophy of success as a connection between mind, body and spirit that is within oneself. Books such as 7 Spiritual Laws of Success and Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire focus on how meditation can bring people to a deeper reference point within themselves, where they experience greater emotions and heightened knowledge.Since both philosophies depend upon the focus and determination of a person’s inner workings, is there a way to determine which force has truly done the work? Is it a viable experiment to sit two people side by side while one meditates and the other focuses on positive thoughts until one person gets what they truly want? Of course, it’s impossible to measure a number of factors that go into an experiment of this type, such as spirituality, positivity and even desire.So no matter how lazy, ineffective, emotional or biased one person claims a particular philosophy to be, the simple answer is that tools for success may vary from one person to another. There’s only one way to find out: try it for yourself.Olu Jatto